KXNG Crooked comes to the defense of his good friend Eminem as Melle Mel believes Em’s success is because he’s a white rapper.
Melle Mel, one of hip hop’s pioneers recently weighed in on Eminem’s impact and success in the genre. Recently EM claimed the number 5 spot on Billboard and Vibe’s top 50 rappers of all time list. Although Em’ numbers speak for themselves, others appear to differ. During a recent interview Melle Mel appears to recognize Eminem’s talent while claiming Em’s success is because of the color of his skin.
“Obviously, he’s a capable rapper. If we’re talking about sales — he’s sold more than everybody. If we’re talking about rhymestyle — okay, he’s got a rhymestyle. But he is white! He is white! If Eminem was just another nigga like the rest of us, would he be top 5 on that list when a nigga can rhyme just as good as him is 35?!,” Melle Mel said. “I heard one of the dudes that’s down with him, Royce 5’9”, I heard he’s just as good as Eminem. Why ain’t he as big as Eminem? Because he’s black! How is it hard to figure out?”
Mel’s comments quickly made its way throughout social media where many chimed in, including KXNG Crooked. Known for his lyrical prowess, the Long Beach rapper also knows a thing or two about Eminem. Signed to Shady Records along with his other members of the hip hop group Slaughterhouse, Crooked decided to respond back to Melle Mel’s comments about Slim Shady.
“People been asking me what I thought about the Melle Mel clip when he talks about Eminem. That was the funniest clip I had seen all day. I could not stop laughing,” Crooked said in a video uploaded to his official YouTube channel. “I was not shocked by what the O.G. said. The pioneer. Because when you come from an environment that I come from, that has been said a million times since Eminem’s first single. It don’t shock me. I’m numbed to that. It don’t mean nothing to me.”
Crooked also added that it shouldn’t be a surprise many that there is indeed White privilege in the music industry, but regardless of color, Eminem’s lyrical skills would have succeeded regardless, especially under the “machine” that is Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine.
KXNG Crooked wasn’t the only one responding to Melle Mel’s comments. Marshall Mathers’ long time friend and labelmate 50 Cent also voiced his opinion.
“There was more money selling dope than being in Hip Hop when Melle Mel was popping, the culture has grown so much,” Fif stated on Instagram before deleting his post. “I am not sure if it would be what it is today with out artist like Eminem. S*** I am not sure I would be who I am with out him but you know it is competitive so n***** gonna hate. LOL f*** outta here ! We sucker free.”