With a mission to create music that will inspire and encourage positivity, KOTROFI5 RECORDS enlists Kasinova The Don and Young Noble for the single “Memories.”
Hip-hop has come a long way from its pioneering days, but in pursuit to become the top genre in music, it accomplished the title but lost the essence of what it was started to be.
Filled with violence and immorality within most of its lyrics, KOTROF15 pronounced KOTROF one five set out to bring back the golden era of the rap game with his label, KOTROF15 Records. Already reaching global recognition, their songs hold depth and meaning as opposed to the norm of promiscuity and degrading stereotypes.
KOTROFI5 Records has added another addition to their catalog of modern-day 90s hip-hop anthems. The song, “Memories” features Kasinova The Don and Young Noble of the legendary group, the Outlawz. The track takes listeners back to times when lyrics and purpose mattered, inducing their minds into a romanticized track of melodies, bars, and substance.
“Walking through the valley of death
Wanted dead or alive
Young Noble Outlaw, KOTROF15
Worldwide, Internationally respected
Your life and your energy you better protect it
Accept it, life it can change in a second,” raps Young Noble on “Memories”
KOTROFI5’s KOTROF15 Records is rekindling the fires of hip-hop with a line-up of releases and collaborations that will stamp their name on the culture. With an album on the way, their single, “Memories” will hold fans over while they prepare upcoming masterpieces.
“Memories” is now available on all audio streaming platforms.